When do you get a dating scan

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When you leave your appt - you just drop into the other two departments on your way out of the hospital and organise an appointment. Why has my midwife suggested a growth scan. Too when do you get a dating scan no known risks to the baby or the mother from having an ultrasound scan, but it is important that you consider carefully whether to have the scan or not. For example, if your baby is lying in an awkward position, it may be difficult or impossible to limbo. You were targeted by criminals, probably based on personal information you uploaded on dating or social media sites. You'll be able to discuss this with your midwife or consultant. Ultrasound scans have been used in pregnancy for decades, and nobody has found them to be harmful if met out correctly NHS 2015b, BMUS nd. You will be asked to lie on the table and to expose your tummy and a towel will be tucked into your pants to limit spread of the gel onto your clothes. However, you may want to think in la about whether you want the screening test, as it could always throw up something that then means another difficult decision such as whether to have diagnostic tests. If you decide to go ahead with this optional screening test you will be offered a scan between 11 weeks 2 days and 13 caballeros 6 days ideally 12 weeks. This early pregnancy dating scan ante-natal scan is useful for those who: Are experiencing pain or bleeding in the pregnancy Had a previous miscarriages Had a previous ectopic pregnancy Are unsure of date of last menstrual period And for those who need reassurance glad to their NHS scan, now usually performed after 12 weeks. Your browser cannot play this video.

Unless there are concerns about the pregnancy it is better to wait to have this scan after 7 weeks as the images are clearer for you to see and better for us to measure. If you come before 7 weeks the baby will be less than 1cm in size and so the scan sometimes has to be performed transvaginally placing the probe inside the vagina to enable us to see the baby well enough to measure and to see the heartbeat. If you decide to go ahead with this optional screening test you will be offered a scan between 11 weeks 2 days and 13 weeks 6 days ideally 12 weeks. This is the only time that this scan can be performed. We send these measurements to LabPlus in Auckland where a blood sample from you is also sent. LabPlus then calculate the risk or chance that your pregnancy is affected with Down Syndrome. Because this calculation is not carried out on site we are not able to give you the results straight away on the day. LabPlus will contact your midwife with the results and she will discuss the results with you. The 20 week Anatomy Scan This is a detailed ultrasound scan, usually carried out when you are between 19 and 20 weeks pregnant. So whilst a normal 20 week scan is very reassuring it cannot guarantee a healthy baby. This scan usually takes around 40 minutes although it can take longer if the baby is in a difficult position or if a problem is detected. The quality of the pictures we get depend on a number of factors including the position of the baby, the position, shape and structure of your womb, maternal BMI and the gestation of the pregnancy. The more tissue the sound has to travel through to reach the baby, the less clear the image. We can usually get clear enough images to do the checks that we need to do but sometimes with larger ladies we have to ask you to come back when the baby is a little bigger to help us see more clearly. To do the scan early means that the baby is smaller and it is harder to see the detail that we need to check and scanning too late in the pregnancy means that the baby is often very curled up and less likely to turn and move to show us what we need. If for any of the reasons listed above we are unable to complete our checks on your baby we will arrange a follow up scan for you. Fortunately most scans are normal, however some scans will show problems with the baby. If a problem is found this will be discussed with you and your midwife will be informed. If necessary your midwife will arrange appointments for you to see a specialist to discuss the long term implications for the health of your baby. If you want to find out the sex of your baby, you can usually do so during the 20 week scan. For example, if your baby is lying in an awkward position, or if the image is not clear enough as discussed above. Please also remember that the health of your baby is our priority and whilst we are happy to tell you the gender if we can see it is not the reason for the scan. Although in theory it is sometimes possible to tell the sex of the baby at 12 weeks it is not our policy to do so as it is often difficult, time consuming and not as accurate as we would like. This scan usually takes about 20 minutes.

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